Hymn to Lykaian Zeus
Fragment 3
Scholiast Bern. on Vergil, Georgics 3. 89:
[Such was Cyllarus when he bent to the rein of Pollux] :...According to the lyric poet Alcman, the horses given by Neptune to Juno were named Cyllarus (or Bowlegs) and Xanthus (or Bayard), Cyllarus being given to Pollux and Xanthus to his brother.
Fragment 4
Aelian, On Animals 12. 3:
Homer, being a poet, deserves our pardon for giving the horse Xanthus speech; and Alcman should not be blamed for imitating Homer in such matters.
Fragment 5
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 41. 5:
[on Alcathous] : Alcman in a song to the Dioscuri tells us how they seized Aphidnae and took prisoner the mother of Theseus, but says that Theseus himself was not there.
Fragment 6
Hesychius, Glossary:
City of the Athenians:
That is Aphidnae.
Fragment 7
Pausanias, Description of Greece 3.25.2:
[on Pephnus]: Twenty furlongs from Thalamae there is a place on the sea called Pephnus, off which there stands a pile of rock of some considerable size, known by the same name. This according to the people of Thalamae was the birthplace of the Dioscuri, and their testimony, I know, agrees with that of a song of Alcman's; but they say that though born they were not bred there, and that it was Hermes who carried them to Pellana.
Fragment 8
Maximus Planudes, On Hermogenes Rh. Gr. Walz 5. 510:
The metrical systems of lyric poetry consist of strophe, antistrophe and epode. Of these the strophe comes first, and consists of two or more similar or dissimilar lines, as in this of Alcman, where it is composed of three dactylic lines of the same metre, and in this, where it is made up of unlike lines:
Hither, Muse, sweet clear Muse of the many tunes and everlasting song, and being a new lay for maids to sing.
Fragment 9
Life of Aratus Buhle 2. 437:
They are unaware that Pindar, too, made use of this line, saying “Where the children of Homer also do being, to wit the proem unto Zeus,” and Alcman:
But of this song of mine the beginning shall be Zeus.
Fragment 10
Apollonius, The Pronouns 109. 23:
This is often found among other writers; for instance, spheteron patera instead of humeteron patera, “your father” . . . and again in the same author [Hesiod] spheteron is used for sphôiteron; Alcman says:
Ye and your horses
Fragment 11
Scholiast on Euripides, Trojan Women 210:
They call Therapnae the dwelling of the Dioscuri because they are said to be beneath the land of Therapnè when they are dead, as Alcman says.
Fragments 12 & 13
Priscian, Metres of Terence 3. 428 Keil:
Moreover Alcman in his first book has a catalectic trimester sometimes with and sometimes without an iambus in the fourth foot thus [ - frag. 9. l. 3; then - ]
...And the temple pure of towered Therapnae;
here he has a spondee in the fourth book. Similarly:
...Falleth dumb upon the shore among the tangle;
here, too, he has give the fourth foot a spondee, for the first syllable of phukessi is long.
Fragment 14
Aristides 2. 508, On the Extemporised Addition:
You hear the Laconian, too, saying to himself and the chorus: “The Muse” etc.; note also that having at the onset asked the Muse herself to inspire him, he then seems to change about and says that the chorus who is singing the song has itself done this instead of the Muse. e.g.
The Muse crieth aloud, that Siren clear and sweet. But I had no need, it seems, to invoke her aid, seeing that you yourselves, you maidens, have inspired me with so loud a voice.
Fragment 15
Scholiast on Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica 1. 146:
[Aetolian Leda] : It is true that Pherecydes says in his second Book that Leda and Althaea were daughters of Thestius by Laophontè daughter of Pleuron; but that Leda was daughter of Glaucus is implied by Alcman thus:
...his sons by the blessed daughter of Glaucus.