Argonautica: Lykaian Pan
Valerius Flaccus
at non inde procul Rambelus et acer Otaxes
dispulerant Colchos pariterque inglorius Armis,
fraude nova stabula et furtis adsuetus inultis
depopulare greges frontem cum cornibus auxit
hispidus inque dei latuit terrore Lycaei;
hac tunc attonitos facie defixerat hostes.
quem simul ac nota formidine bella moventem
vidit Aron, 'pavidos te' inquit 'nunc rere magistros
et stolidum petiisse pecus? non pascua nec bos
hic tibi: nocturni mitte haec simulamina Panis
neve deum mihi finge. deus quoque consere dextram.'
sic ait intentaque adiutum missile planta
derigit et lapsis patuerunt vulnera villis.
But not far from thence Rambelus and fierce Otaxes had routed the Colchians, and likewise inglorious Armes, wont by a new device and still unpunished ruse to ravage flocks and herds, for clothed in shaggy hide he wore stags’ horns upon his face and lurked in the terrors of the Lykaian god. In such aspect had he then held his enemies spellbound, when Aron saw him plying this unwonted terror in the fight, and “Now thinkest thou,” said he, “that thou art assailing timid herdsmen and brute cattle? No pastures or oxen hast thou here; keep thy counterfeits for nocturnal raids, and pretend not to be a god; nay, even if a god, do battle with me!” So doth he speak, and aims the missile to which his firmly planted foot gives aid; the shaggy hide fell away, and the wound showed clear.